2000年12月23日 星期六


I masturbate quite often and I really like it. I was 9 years old when I masturbated for the first time. I would really like to learn some new masturbation-techniques so that I could prolong the orgasm. I would also like to develop methods that could be used during intercourse so that I could fuck and fuck anally for several hours without stopping. Often I think and feel that I don't fuck enough, but I'm satisfied with the frequency of my masturbation. I like girls, and I like men, but my sexual experience is relatively modest concerning men. Actually I have never fucked a guy, and I have never been fucked by one, but I've been close. Sometimes I think that there is too little sex and too many atoms, and to much othing in our life. If I had the power to do it I would declare everybody suppressing the orgasm pulverised.


從在亂碼的電子郵件前坐整天到教你把Big5轉成ISO;從你坐歪的椅子到我煮好的咖啡;從Are you making this artwork title 到忘了問你Would you like to book a lunch box只好悄悄換上我的而自己挨餓;從你突然塞來的一通電話到三分鐘後我攔計程車去航空公司換機票; 從你問Will you go to enjoy this hot spring tonight到我問Are you married;從粉藍色西裝到黑紗小禮服;從你抱著我到我丟下See you tomorrow;從開幕儀式結束到那個根本沒有的明天;從台北轉曼谷飛哥本哈根到三天長的睡眠。


